How to Scrap a Motorcycle?

Scrapping an old motorcycle is no longer a complicated process. Usually, old and damaged bikes are scraped because they cannot be used now.

For an in-depth process on how to scrap a motorcycle, please check out the below-written details. The general procedure is to collect the legal documents, make an agreement, do the proper paperwork, and go to the scrapyard/junkyard.

It is advised to negotiate with the respective person in as much best possible and convincing way as you can. And sell your bike at the best price.

Guide to scrap a motorcycle

We have put up a step-by-step guide on scrapping a motorcycle; you can check it out:

Step 1

The first step is to collect legal documents. Do the paperwork correctly, and you can hassle-freely get done with the job of scrapping a motorcycle.

Grab the registration certification of your bike and look for the insurance papers. Staff will ask for the ownership document; it is the proof that you are the legal and actual owner of the bike.

Furthermore, the Department of Motor Vehicles DMV sometimes requires the PUC certificate. Keep all these certificates and documents in your hands.

Step 2

Here comes the step of making an agreement! Create a proper contract explaining why you want to scrap your bike, how much its scrap value is, on what date you plan to sell it, and other important details.

Let the staff inspect your bike so they can know its actual condition. If you agree to the scrap value, sign the contract. Keep the contract copy with you as well so that if the contract gets breached, you can seek legal help.

Step 3

Go to the scrapyard and do the rest of the proceeding. Remember that if you bring the bike on your own to the junkyard, the discard value will be increased. If staff brings the motorcycle from your home, the scrap value will be decreased. If it is possible, bring the bike to the scrapyard yourself.

Step 4

Collect the chassis number from the staff before they start scrapping your bike. Via this chassis number, it will be easy for you to submit the legal documents and papers to the DMV office. 

Step 5

Once you have collected the chassis number, submit the legal documents to the DMV office. Moreover, get the affidavit from the scrapyard authority that your bike has been scrapped.

Step 6

Cancel the registration of your bike in the DMV office. This step seems a bit lengthy, so remain patient. The DMV officials will get a motorcycle clearance from the police station and go through the records as well. Once all the checking is done, DMV officials will send the bike documents to the original RTO office where you registered your motorcycle.

Step 7

On the cancellation of bike registration, you can now go back to the scrapyard and hand over all papers to the staff. Get the scrap value, and they will give you money in the form of cash or cheque. 

Step 8

The last step is to obtain a certificate from the junkyard authorities showing proof that you have scraped your bike.

Also Read: What to do with Old Motorcycle Helmet?

Tips to keep in mind when scrapping a motorcycle

There are certain important things that you should keep in mind when you plan to scrap your old, worn-out, and damaged bike. Check out the details:

Tip 1

You have to be very sure in deciding whether there is a need to discard and scrap the motorcycle. If your bike has become quite old and cannot be used anymore, only then take it to the scrapyard. Make up your mind clear instead of regretting your decision later on.

Tip 2

Determine the scrap value accurately and precisely. It should not be too high or too low. Demand a fair price from the authorities. Negotiate wisely and convincingly and sign a contract paper at the end.

Tip 3

Go through the terms and conditions that the scrapyard authorities have put up. Look what offer they have made, what kind of paperwork they need, what legal documents and paper they have demanded. If the terms and conditions look fine and are not complicated, you can proceed with that scrapyard authority.

Tip 4

Check every part of your motorcycle and inspect and examine it carefully. The better its state and condition are, the better the price and scrap value you will get. If it needs minor repairing, do that because a simple repair can bring a drastic difference in the scrap value.

Tip 5

Collect all legal papers and documents before you head to the scrapyard. Mismanagement of documents will land you in legal difficulties, so beware.

Tip 6

Clean your bike thoroughly before sending it to the scrapyard. If it looks clean enough and spic and span, its value will be increased when you negotiate with the staff. 

Tip 7

Follow every single direction stated by the DMV officials. Crosscheck the information in the papers and take your time so that you do not miss anything.

Tip 8

Keep a copy of all valuable documents in a safe place. Whatever document and receipt the scrapyard authorities and DMV officials will give you, keep them in a safe and secure place so that you can show them in case any unwanted legal technicality arises.

Tip 9

The approach of ‘’maintaining the time’’ should be implemented whenever you decide to scrap the bike. Submit the papers on time and remain in touch with the DMV officials until you complete the process. Unable to maintain the regularity, there is a probability that DMV officials will cause unwanted delays in completing the process.

Tip 10 

Negotiate properly and opt for the best convincing approach. The more you are perfect and sensible in negotiation, the better you will be offered with the scrap value. In addition, make your terms and conditions very clear to the scrapyard authorities. Present yourself as intelligent, smart, and wise as possible. Handle the whole situation like a practical person.

Tip 11

Bring the motorcycle yourself to the scrapyard. That is assumed to be the most recommended practice that any person should go for. Bringing the bike on your own increases its scrap value for sure! If you ask the staff to take the bike from your home, they will cut a certain portion from the scrapping value.



If you still have questions on how to scrap a motorcycle, you can ask us anytime. Share with us your experiences if you have scrapped a bike and what value you got in return for that; stay tuned and connected with us!

About Paul Lavery

Hey everyone, this is Paul Lavery! I've been passionate about automotive and motorcycle culture for as long as I can remember, and I'm excited to bring my diagnostic expertise to you. My articles aim to explore every aspect thoroughly, but if you ever need additional information, don't hesitate to drop a comment or reach out to me directly. Let's dive into the world of engines and gears together!

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